Bloomington Office

3209 W. Reddy Way, Suite C
Bloomington, IN, 47403
(812) -825-6006
FAX: 812-825-6007

Linton Office

1206 N. 1000 West Suite B
Linton, IN 47441
(812) -847-3381
FAX: 812-847-3495

Heel Fissures

There are many potential causes of "cracked heels." Dry skin (xerosis) is common and can get worse with wearing open-back shoes, increased weight, or increased friction from the back of shoes. Dry cracking skin can also be a subtle sign of more significant problems, such as diabetes or loss of nerve function (autonomic neuropathy).

Heels should be kept well moisturized with a cream to help reduce the cracking. If an open sore is noted, make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon for evaluation and treatment.


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