Bloomington Office

3209 W. Reddy Way, Suite C
Bloomington, IN, 47403
(812) -825-6006
FAX: 812-825-6007

Linton Office

1206 N. 1000 West Suite B
Linton, IN 47441
(812) -847-3381
FAX: 812-847-3495

Lacrosse Injuries To The Foot And Ankle

The running and side to side cutting in lacrosse are common causes of injuries to the foot and ankle. Lacrosse players should be aware of the following risks: 

  • Inversion ankle sprains can damage the ankle ligaments, and can also be associated with peroneal tendon injuries and fractures. 
  • Ankle fractures, metatarsal fractures, and Lisfranc fractures can sideline athletes and sometimes require surgery.  
  • Overuse and excessive training can lead to heel pain (plantar fasciitis), Achilles tendonitis, sesamoiditis, stress fractures, posterior tibial tendonitis (or PTTD), and calcaneal apophysitis in children and adolescents.


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